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Rabu, 14 September 2011

Astma Testimonial

Asthma 2


"Having had such good results from Herbalife for my Daughter Sheila,
I decided to try the HERBALIFE CELLULAR FORMULA myself having suffered from Asthma for over forty years, and getting worse each year.
Three years ago in 1999 I was admitted to hospital on three occasions,
For Asthma treatment, and then the fourth occasion with a heart attack, brought on due to asthma attacks, after I was discharged from hospital I had lost my drivers license as unfit to drive and was using oxygen and a Nebulizer daily with the only mobility being a wheel chair if and when I went out, thereby losing my independence.
I started the HERBALIFE CELLULAR TREAMENT, Plus Herbalifeline and Florafibre, in a very short time I was feeling much better my G.P. had reduced my medication, I had very few Angina attacks, and was able to walk short distances with aid of a walking stick instead of using the wheel chair.
After one year of taking HERBALIFE I have discarded the wheel chair, it is in the garage, gathering dust and going rusty. The Oxygen Equipment has been returned to B.O.C.I still have the Nebulizer but rarely use it
AT THE AGE OF ALMOST 79 YEARS I am starting to live my life all over again.

Cyclist, Asthma

Dwayne Norris   
Vancouver, B.C. Canada
604-736-8599 September 1994

Before taking the Cellular Nutrition program, I considered myself to be at the best level of health that I could attain. I was exercising religiously at the gym, watching my choice of foods, taking other supplements and competing at an International level in cycling.
But, at 19 years old I was frustrated with an asthma and allergy problem that had plagued me since the age of 3. Frequently I would be visiting the hospital and I was using medication 3-4 times peer day to combat the attacks. I was prone to catching almost every cold and chest infection that was going around.
Since starting the Cellular Nutrition program and targeted products Schizandra Plus and Brazilian Tea I was amazed at the increase in energy after just a few days!!! But after 5 weeks the biggest change hit me. At that point I noticed that I had cut back down my medication from 3-4 times a day, to only a couple of times per week.
My Health continued to dramatically improve, and today I feel better than ever, I haven't used any medication for over 18 months, I have tons of energy, no more allergy bouts, and the colds and chest infections that used to hit me every couple of months have disappeared.
I am excited to share my results and help other people to get the benefits of these incredible Herbalife Cellular Nutrition products.
Best of health,
Dwayne Norris

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