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Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Diabetes Militus Testimoni

Diabetes 2 
Insulin dependent, Multiple Sclerosis & Fibromyalgia (5/1/2002)
Marion and Bill Jones
Hi, my name is Marion Jones and I have all of the above plus asthma, high blood pressure, have had a stroke, and a heart attack and arthritis throughout my whole body.
Other than that I'm in great shape!
Because of all these problems, I have had a lot of steroids given to me over the years and it started a liver problem. I have tried numerous ways to lose weight.
At one time my husband and I logged everything that I put into my mouth over a 3 month period. It was the Heart/Diabetic Diet. Every week, we took my diet log and sugar readings to the doctor. Every week I had put on another 2 lbs. I was very honest about it and it puzzled my doctor. He said that he previously did not believe that someone keeping that stringent of a diet could gain weight.
So finally, I told him that I was going to find another program.
That day finally came about 3 weeks ago. I found Herbalife and have already lost 16 lbs. That is a miracle in itself with all of the steroids. I have unbelievable energy and my stamina is unbelievable. I feel great!
I still have about 75 more pounds to go. But I know that I will get there and enjoy the meal plan that I'm on. I can't wait! If any of you want to know more, I will be glad to answer any other questions that you may have.
I thank God everyday that He led me to Herbalife!
Family Success - Weight Loss, Respiratory Problems, Diabetes (8/20/2002)
Family Success - Weight Loss, Respiratory Problems, Diabetes (8/20/2002)
Bobbie Forester - North Aurora, IL, USA
Hello, our names are Darrin And Bobbie Forester. We came to Herbalife in January of 2000. We were both extremely overweight, and exhausted all the time. I was sick every winter with my 2nd oldest daughter having bronchitis and pneumonia, and we had just found out that Darrin was diabetic.
I got on the products first and was amazed at how good I felt! Darrin chose to start Herbalife instead of diabetes medication, and the results have been phenomenal! Darrin was able to avoid diabetic medication altogether, and has lost 80 pounds! I have lost 145 pounds, and have never felt better!
But the most exciting part is that this summer, 2 of my daughters wanted to lose weight and we got them on a program. Allyson, my second oldest, has not had bronchitis or pneumonia since we got started back in 2000 (neither have I!) and she has lost 20 pounds this summer! My youngest, Stefani, has lost 15 pounds! We all look and feel AWESOME! Thank you Mark Hughes!
Diabetes (3/26/2004)
Chris Huizar - Unionville, MI, USA
My testimonial is on my father-in-law who is a Type 2 diabetic. I got him started on the Quickstart Gold in November of 2003. He suffered from being overweight, and had Acid Reflux. He has Asthma, and High Blood Pressure, and was dealing with Sleep Apnea all when he got started.
He had no energy and was on alot of medication. After 7 days his Asthma improved. After 3 weeks he lost 15lbs and his Blood Pressure was under control.
It has been 4 months now since he started and he's lost 59lbs. Best of all his doctors have taken him off all his medication. The lab results came back normal, and he calls himself a reformed diabetic.
The products he's on currently besides the Quickstart Gold are: Snack Defense, Cell-u-loss, Aminogen, and Aloe.
He is a new man with a second lease on life, and has tons of energy now to enjoy it.

22 July 2004
This is an update to the testimonial from 3/26/04 on diabetes. My father-in-law Jerry, has reached his weight loss goal. In 8 months he went from 227lbs with a 51" waist to 141lbs and a 32" waist. His doctor's told him if they had more patients like him, they would go out of business. Thank you Herbalife!
Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure
Chuck Sween  


1. My blood pressure was 190 over 80.  Now its 138 over 80 (135 over 80) is normal for me (quote from my doctor).  Don't have to take my heart medicines any more - had used them for 1 year or more!

2. Blood Sugar was 18 it had steadily climbed for 5 years even though I was using the maximum dosage of the diabetic medicine 3 times a day.  Now my morning blood sugar readings are 4.7 to 5.0, absolutely normal; although I still monitor my blood sugar levels, I don't have to use my diabetic medicines anymore.

These two conditions were life threatening and for sure would have shortened my life.  With proper care and attention they are no longer a negative factor in my life, never mind a threat to my life

3. I've managed to lose (with no real effort) 60 lbs in 2 months (do the math) and still losing about a pound a day!  No exercise, no hunger pangs, no sweat!  Easy and effective!  Best system around (and I've tried some dandies before).

*This new "Gold" deal is a real deal.
*These new to Canada products are a 'God Send'.
*There are special new 'target' products for specific issues you may wish to address, consult product list.
*Also new - Herbal nutrition for your outside.  A complete line of skin and personal care, fragrances, etc. - about 40 new "Dermajetics" products - I had a facial - "WOW"!
diagnosed diabetic.
Submitted on: (11/14/2002)
Jesus Estrada - El Paso, Texas, USA
I started taking the Ultimate Green Program when I signed up at the end of July 2002.
Not only have I lost 45 lbs to date and went from waist 42" to 33" ... I was also able to stop my diabetes medication that I was taking daily for the last year since I was diagnosed diabetic. My blood sugar levels have averaged 100 ever since ... no more doctors ... no more medicines.
Along with this, also all my hay fever sympthoms disappeared. Stopped snoring. No more water retention. My feet and legs are not anymore stained with bad circulation marks ... I could go on and on.
I even look like 15 years younger.
I am so happy.

LUPUS Testimoni

Erika Pearson - Chandler, Arizona, USA
Most people do not know what Lupus is; actually most doctors do not know what Lupus is. However, for Lupus patients the disorder remains a bizarre, cruel disease of unknown cause, with an unpredictable prognosis and symptoms that are difficult to explain. Lupus is intermittent, recurrent, and can destroy both the will to live and the ability to cope in those afflicted by it. Lupus can threaten life and prevent functioning as a normal human being.
I woke up each morning with considerable dread not knowing how I was going to make it through my day. I had two beautiful little girls that I should be enjoying, but this cruel disease prevented me from being sincerely grateful for all of my blessings. The greatest anguish I had was how my disease was affecting my children. Once, when my eldest daughter was in preschool her teacher called me to inform me that she was crying and sharing with her classmates that her Mommy was dying. Because of my failing health and the affect it was having on my children and other family members I became consumed with my death; I felt so useless and because there is no cure for Lupus my situation seemed hopeless. Luckily, I have always have been a strong-willed individual so I always refused to play the "sick-role". I always forced my self to be the "perfect" mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend; however, because of Herbalife, I no longer have to force my way through another day.
I just wanted to share with you the results I have attained since I began taking these "life-changing" products. I was diagnosed with Lupus, Fibromyalgia and Hypo-Thyroid Disease 12 years ago. I have endured years of excruciating arthritis, overwhelming fatigue, chest pain (pleurisy & pericarditis), chronic cluster headaches & migraines, chronic UTI's and kidney stones, alopecia (hair fell-out by the handful) and mouth ulcers.
Well, of course, this meant I took a myriad of 13 medications. I also submitted to 3 treatments of chemotherapy to make my Lupus go into remission; which were not successful. While, this helped some of the symptoms it also created numerous side effects and there wasn't anything that alleviated my chronic fatigue. I was also subjected to numerous ER visits and hospital stays.
I have been on Herbalife products since December; I am currently experiencing my first remission since being diagnosed in 1990! Within days of starting this incredible program, my energy level soared! Within a few days, I felt more alert and alive than I had in years! Since starting these products I no longer have any chest pains due to pleurisy or pericarditis and I have not had a cluster headache or migraine. The only time I get a headache is when I pull my ponytail too tight; my hair has stopped falling out and it is actually growing! My arthritis has been minimized considerably; I no longer have severe morning joint stiffness and no longer take Morphine for the pain! The best thing is that I actually have energy now! I can't begin to explain how the increased energy has changed my life, but it does bring tears to my eyes... tears of joy because now I have the energy and stamina to keep up with my girls. As a matter of fact, the other night I was actually wrestling with my daughter; by their laughter and smiles on their faces you would have thought I had taken them to Disneyland!
Now, Savannah (6) and Mackenzie (3) do not have to see me bent over in pain; they don't have to call their Dad to come help Mommie anymore. Or they don't have to see me lying on the couch exhausted while forcing myself to stay awake and they don't have to hear me tell them I am too tired to play with them. I am happy to report that I haven't had an ambulance ride in four months! Boy, I sure am going to miss those cute paramedics!
Regarding my weight loss; I have lost all the weight I put on with the high dosages of steroids . 45 pounds over the past year, but I did it the hard way - exercise and a personal trainer. I wish I used Herbalife (much easier and faster); however, since I have started the products I have toned my body considerably and have lost several inches. At 5'7" I now weigh 125 pounds; which is less than what I weighed as a senior in college! The products continue to help sculpt and tone my body. I now have more energy and I am healthier than I have been in years.
I love these products; they have changed my life!
In addition to my Lupus going into remission, I no longer have asthma and my allergy symptoms have diminished considerably. I no longer have a bleeding ulcer and my blood sugar, thyroid and hormones are balanced all without medication. Can you tell that I am excited! Actually, I am ecstatic!
When I was originally diagnosed I was told I would be lucky to experience my 40th birthday. Well, in July I turn 39 and Herbalife has given me the best birthday gift ever . my renewed health! I not only feel healthy . . . I look healthy! No more puffy cheeks or weight gain from the steroids. I no longer have dark circles under my eyes from the overwhelming fatigue. I actually look very young for my 39 years! These products are awesome! I now know that with these products I will live a long healthy life!
Along with the incredible results I have attained with Herbalife products; the business opportunity has also contributed to my wellness. The idea that with my diagnosis I lost my health, my physical fitness (I was an amateur body builder), my vitality, my income and my independence; created such a "pit" of depression that it literally consumed me. Now, with my regained health and an awesome business opportunity I finally have HOPE! Thank you Herbalife! Stay tuned for an incredible income testimonial because this is just the beginning!
The following is my daily Herbalife routine:
  • Formula 1 2x
  • Formula 2 1-3x a day
  • Formula 3 - Cell Activator 2-3x a day
  • Joint Support 2-3x a day
  • Herbalifeline 2-3x a day
  • Tang Kuei 1-3x a day + as needed
  • Ros Ox 1x
  • Schizandra Plus 1x
  • Ginseng 3x
  • Mega Garlic 3x
  • Cardio Toconox 1x
  • Xtra-Cal 3x
  • Cell-u-loss 3-3x a day
  • Green/Beige (energy) 3 Green & 2 Beige - 2x a day
  • Herbal Concentrate Tea: Throughout the day
  • 21 day Cleanse
DEPRESSION - from living with a chronic illness for 12 years
  • Mentabalance 1x
  • K8 1x
  • St. John's 1x
  • Calmative Spray (as needed)
HORMONAL BALANCE: Lupus is believed to be associated with a woman's hormonal balance.
  • Woman's Choice 1x
  • Woman's Advantage 1x
  • Triple Berry (I used to have chronic UTI infections)
  • Vitamin C
  • Activated Fiber
  • Ultimate Ginkgo (to help with brain fog associated with Lupus, Fibromyalgia and Motherhood)
  • Aminogen
  • Thermobond
  • Herbal Aloe Drink

Potret Diri Sebelum dan Sesudah

Sebenernya ga suka juga majang potret diri kek begini hehehe.....tapi apa boleh buat.  biar tambah yakin dibuat juga.  Tp susah banget cari foto sebelum......nyari2 ketemu juga waktu jalan2 ke Guang Zhou....  Pake syal gitu biar ga keliatan perut gendutnya qiqiqi....  Skarang dah mayan bgt deh, tp masih terus diet sehat u mencapai 55kg

Tukang kue...n doyan makan n nyicip jadilah begitu...gampang gemuk susah kuyus.  Tapi dengan Herbalife mah berubah smua.  Badan ga gampang cape, stamina prima.....daaaaannnnn ternyata ada bisnis yg lumayan juga.  Mau ikutan?  Yuuukkkk contact saya or suami saya di Heru:  08568605555  Ani: 0811811742  or email: